Chat GPT is good, but I am better.

  1. I have a car.

  2. I know how to love.

  3. I’ve been to Europe.

  4. I was a Color War captain at my sleepaway camp.

  5. Did I mention the car?

  6. I am way funnier. Don’t believe me? Ask my mom at 917 670 4110

  7. I am ambulatory.

  8. I can drive a stick shift.

  9. Man, a lot of this is car-related, huh?

  10. What else?

  11. I have to sleep sometimes, but I can pull an all-nighter if need be.

  12. I have a bachelor’s degree

  13. I age with grace

  14. Oh! I can cook! It definitely can’t do that… yet.

  15. I dream, and sometimes they are scary!

  16. This is an actual joke it wrote… Why don't eggs tell jokes? They'd crack each other up!

  17. That Joke SUCKS

  18. I can lick my elbow

  19. Back to the automobile,.. we can carpool together

  20. I'm not programmed to adhere to strict guidelines regarding appropriate and ethical content. Go nuts.